Steven Siler throws a gut punch to Alexandre Almeida then puts him into a guillotine choke hold winning Siler the match.
WATCH NOWPhilipe Lins launches an attack against Alex Nicholson knocking him down and winning the match.
WATCH NOWAndre Harrison and Nazareno Malegarie trade blows with each other.
WATCH NOWRick Story overpowers his opponent on the fence while they are both exhausted.
WATCH NOWMagomed Magomedkerimov puts his opponent into a submission hold to close out the match.
WATCH NOWZeferino knocks out Bradley with a flurry of punches.
WATCH NOWRay Cooper III overwhelms Jake Shields with fierce punches.
WATCH NOWPavel Kusch overpowers his opponent with heavy strikes to his head.
WATCH NOWJohn Howard captures his opponent in a Rear Naked Choke hold to win the match.
WATCH NOWAndre Lobato lands a right hook onto Rex Harris.
WATCH NOWEddie Gordon chases down while striking his opponent after Shamil Gamzatov tries to get a breather.
WATCH NOWAbus Magomedov hits his opponent multiple times before the referee stops the fight.
WATCH NOWMagomed Magomedkerimov aims to take down his opponent with a barrage of strikes.
WATCH NOWBojan Velickovic dominates Jonatan Westin in a round one win.
WATCH NOWLouis Taylor throws hook after hook towards his opponent.
WATCH NOWLouis Taylor launches an assault onto his opponent to win the match.
WATCH NOWJohn Howard displays an amazing counter strike to his opponent.
WATCH NOWAndre Harrison sweeps his opponents leg in a calm, clean takedown.
WATCH NOWLance Palmer sweeps his opponent onto the mat.
WATCH NOWTimur showing his strong tenacity after taking a wave of punches from Max Coga.